5-minute Guided Meditation: Feeling Calm and Joyful

Take 5 minutes for yourself and listen to this guided meditation helping you to feel calm and joyful in the lead up to Christmas. This guided meditation is part of my Mindful Advent Calendar.


Welcome to this guided meditation on feeling calm and joyful.

Let’s begin by finding a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes, and take a few slow and deep breaths. Inhale peacefulness, exhale tension.

Envision a cozy, warm space decorated with festive lights and ornaments. You are surrounded by a sense of calm and joy. Allow this mental image to bring a smile to your face.

  1. Inhale deeply, imagining you are breathing in calmness and peace. Feel the soothing energy flowing through your body. Exhale any stress or tension.

  2. Focus on your heart center. Visualize a radiant glowing light expanding with each breath, filling your entire being with a joyful and serene energy. Feel the warmth of joy within your body.

  3. Now bring your awareness to this present moment. Let go of thoughts about the past or the future. Embrace the simplicity and beauty of now. Feel the calmness and the joy that reside in this present moment. Feel it in your whole body from the top of your head all the way down to your toes.

As you gently return to the awareness of your surroundings, carry the calm and joyful energy with you. Open your eyes with a renewed sense of peace, ready to embrace the holiday season with peacefulness and joy.

Now before you open your eyes, take a moment to transition slowly before resuming your usual daily activities. And bring that joy and peacefulness with you.”

5-minute Guided Meditation on Gratitude

Take 5 minutes for yourself and listen to this guided meditation focusing on being more mindful and aware of the things you’re thankful for. This guided meditation is part of my Mindful Advent Calendar.


Welcome to this guided meditation on gratitude that will help you to become more mindful and aware of the things you’re thankful for.

Begin by finding a comfortable and quiet space. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, closing your eyes gently. Take a few deep breaths in, and exhale slowly. Let go of any tension.

Imagine a warm and gentle light surrounding you. With each inhale, feel this light filling you with warmth, and with each exhale, release any stress or worries.

Now, bring your attention to your heart center. Visualize a golden glow coming from this area. This is the center of gratitude within you.

As you continue to breathe, think of someone or something you are deeply grateful for. Picture their face or visualize the essence of that experience.

Think of the people in Your Life: Picture the faces of the people that you love and appreciate. Feel the warmth and connection you share with them. Take a moment to express gratitude for their presence in your life.

Now think of some Cherished Moments: Recall a specific moment that brought you immense joy or touched your heart. Allow that memory to unfold, and savor the positive emotions associated with it. Express gratitude for this special moment.

Now consider nature's Gifts: Imagine the beauty of nature around you. Whether that's a blooming flower, a magnificent tree, or the calming waves of the ocean, connect with the natural world. Feel gratitude for the gifts that nature provides.

Take a few more deep breaths, acknowledging the gratitude within your heart. When you're ready, gently open your eyes, bringing this sense of gratitude with you into the rest of your day.”

Defeating Negative Self-Talk as a Mum (Episode 36)

This week we’ll tackle your inner critic by discovering where it can stem from and what you can do to overcome it. This episode will help you to cultivate a more positive self-talk and embrace your imperfections, because you deserve to be spoken to with kindness; and that starts with how you talk to and about yourself, mama!

If you want more support to challeng your inner critic, then the Calm Resilient Mama Project, my 1-on-1 coaching program, is a great opportunity for you, because it’ll help you to reduce your negative self-talk, your stress levels and your never-ending to-do-list.

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Not “Just” Mum: Balancing Motherhood and Your Personal Life (Episode 34)

In this episode, we explore the journey of being a loving, caring mum while rediscovering your individual interests and passions. You're more than "just" a mum, and it's important to nurture your interests and wellbeing. Learn how to start small, prioritise yourself, and follow your joy. Your happiness matters, mama!

Explore further support with the Calm Resilient Mama Project for finding time for yourself and your interests.

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Embracing Imperfections: Navigating Perfectionism in Motherhood (Episode 32)

As a Life Coach and fellow mama, I believe in finding calmness amid life's challenges. Join me as we ditch the pursuit of perfection and dive into the joy of being perfectly imperfect. Explore the freedom of not always doing your best, and uncover the beauty of change and growth. Tune into this episode to transform your approach to motherhood and prioritise your wellbeing.

If you're craving more support, check out the Calm Resilient Mama Project, my 1-on-1 coaching program.

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Navigating Overwhelm: Embrace Your Daily Wins (Episode 30)

Do you find it hard to acknowledge (let alone celebrate) all the things you do everyday? Do you feel like you don’t do enough? I recorded this episode for you, mama, because you deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated - no matter how many things you ticked off your to-do-list today.

If you want to feel more supported, sign up for the Calm Resilient Mama Project, because it’s a great way to start and form new habits for your wellbeing.


Welcome to the Calm Resilient Mama Podcast. I’m Cindy Graham-Schmidt. I’m a Life Coach and a mama of two. On this podcast, I share with you coaching tips and tools, to help you deal with the challenges that life and motherhood throw at you. I help you to enjoy your life more today, because tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.

Hey mama,

How are you? It was my birthday this week and this is episode 30(!!) of the Calm Resilient Mama Podcast. So I thought it’s great timing to talk about celebrating yourself, because, you know, I’m celebrating life and how far I’ve come. I feel very very proud of myself and I know that this doesn’t  really come naturally. Not to me and not to a lot of the mums that I help. I’ve had mums tell me that they can’t really acknowledge all the things they do everyday, because they feel like they should be able to do it all with ease. And there we have it again, the word “should”. This one single word can cause so much shame, guilt and exhaustion. (And if that’s the case for you too, please go back to episode 17 where I share a little exercise that will help you to drop some of those shoulds.)

Now, back to this episode.

Firstly, I do not believe you should be able to do everything with EASE. In fact, I don’t think that’s possible, because there are just sooo many things that we do and are responsible for as primary caregivers. And feeling like we need to be able to do it all, all the time AND with ease is a perfect example for the Perfect Mother Myth. (Also something I talked about in a previous episode. Episode 13 to be exact.)

Our brains tell us all those things that are simply not true and we try harder, do more and more and more, and overextend ourselves, trying to achieve the impossible.

It’s exhausting. The first thing you can do about that is catch yourself when you have those kinds of thoughts. “I should do more of this. Should do less of that and just should feel different than I do right now.” All those thoughts are based on you thinking that you’re not enough the way you are. 

And I want to tell you that you are. You are good enough exactly the way you are right now. No matter how much you’ve done today. No matter what else is on your to-do-list. You are enough right in this very moment.

I want you to go even further than that. Even if, or better, especially if you find this hard to believe. I want you to celebrate everything that you are (instead of thinking about all the things you’re not.) I want you to acknowledge yourself. I want you to feel proud of yourself. Not because you do so much for your family everyday, which you do, no doubt about it! But I want you to see yourself for the amazing person that you are. Not “just” as a mum. (And just is very much in inverted commas here.) You are worth celebrating. Every single day and that’s a fact!

At this point, I want to read an affirmation card to you that I picked this morning, because it happens to be very fitting for today’s episode. “Celebrate. I celebrate how far I’ve come. The achievements, the setbacks. What I’ve learnt, how I’ve grown. I pause, marvel and celebrate myself and my journey so far, the highs and lows, and everything in between, knowing I am right where I need to be.”

And if you’re still not convinced that celebrating yourself is a good AND necessary step to being a calm, resilient mama, let me share some reasons that might make it a little easier for you to acknowledge yourself and why you’re absolutely worth celebrating everyday.

  1. Celebrating yourself can improve your emotional well-being,because it can counteract feelings of overwhelm, stress, and self-doubt and therefore leads to an improvement of your mental health. It can help you to recharge your batteries and prevent burnout.

  2. You set a positive example for your little ones when you celebrate yourself, your wins, you prioritising your needs and you trying out something new (whether or not you get it right the first time or not). They learn by watching us and you modeling this will help them see that it's okay and good to prioritize their own needs, to take care of their wellbeing and to celebrate their achievements.

  3. Celebrating yourself can help you to feel more fulfilled and appreciated, because it always starts with us. Instead of expecting others to appreciate what we do, we can start by appreciating ourselves and, therefore, showing others how we want to be treated. And when we feel confident and content, it will definitely have an impact on our relationships and the environment in our homes.

Ok, now that I’ve proven to you (hopefully) how important it is to celebrate yourself, let’s get to actually doing it.

You can celebrate big milestones (like the anniversary of your parenting journey) and other accomplishments (like helping your child through a challenging moment). You can reward yourself with a treat or you can celebrate with your friends. You could even keep a journal where you write down your experiences, achievements, how you’ve grown and memorable moments. (This also can come in handy, as a reminder on the days when you don’t feel like you’re doing a good job at all.)

However you choose to celebrate yourself and your journey, take it as an opportunity to reflect and remember what an amazing mum and person you are!

So let me finish by giving you 2 questions that you can ask yourself everyday:

What can I celebrate today? And, How can I celebrate today?

If you find answering these challenging, I’d love to support you and I invite you to check out my coaching program, the Calm Resilient Mama Project, because that would be a great place to start.

Talk to you next time.

Powerful affirmations to feel more calm & resilient everyday (Episode 29)

Let’s try out another powerful tool together to help you feel more calm and resilient everyday. In this episode, I share supportive affirmations to help you challenge the negativity bias and change the way you think and feel about yourself. Using them will help you to treat yourself with the same love and kindness you aim to treat your child(ren) with.

Check out the Calm Resilient Mama Project for personalised 1-on-1 support.

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Budgeting & Financial Literacy (Episode 28)

This week, I talk about budgeting and financial literacy. Doesn't sound interesting or spark joy for you? Then you definitely want to listen to this episode! Because if you don't feel on top of your finances, it can have a big impact on your ability to be a calm resilient mama.

Do you want to feel more in control in your life in general? Check out the Calm Resilient Mama Project, where we do a life audit together and then tackle the areas that need your attention the most right now. Let’s do it!

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Ways to release your emotions safely and effectively (Episode 24)

Do you tend to bottle up your emotions or are you able to release them in a safe and effective way? In this podcast episode, I talk about techniques that allow you to release your emotions and it does not include snapping at the people that you love the most.

Do you want to learn AND implement more helpful tools like these, and have my support while doing so? Check out the Calm Resilient Mama Project, my 7-week coaching program.

5 Tips For Better Communication In Your Relationship (Episode 22)

Clear and honest communication might not be your strong point when you feel tired, overwhelmed and exhausted, mama. That’s why I share 5 tips in this episode to help you communicate better and (re-)create connection with the people you love.

Want to learn AND implement more tips like these? Sign up for the Calm Resilient Mama Project and get coached by me whenever you need support, a listening ear and accountability.