5-minute Guided Meditation: Feeling Calm and Joyful

Take 5 minutes for yourself and listen to this guided meditation helping you to feel calm and joyful in the lead up to Christmas. This guided meditation is part of my Mindful Advent Calendar.


Welcome to this guided meditation on feeling calm and joyful.

Let’s begin by finding a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes, and take a few slow and deep breaths. Inhale peacefulness, exhale tension.

Envision a cozy, warm space decorated with festive lights and ornaments. You are surrounded by a sense of calm and joy. Allow this mental image to bring a smile to your face.

  1. Inhale deeply, imagining you are breathing in calmness and peace. Feel the soothing energy flowing through your body. Exhale any stress or tension.

  2. Focus on your heart center. Visualize a radiant glowing light expanding with each breath, filling your entire being with a joyful and serene energy. Feel the warmth of joy within your body.

  3. Now bring your awareness to this present moment. Let go of thoughts about the past or the future. Embrace the simplicity and beauty of now. Feel the calmness and the joy that reside in this present moment. Feel it in your whole body from the top of your head all the way down to your toes.

As you gently return to the awareness of your surroundings, carry the calm and joyful energy with you. Open your eyes with a renewed sense of peace, ready to embrace the holiday season with peacefulness and joy.

Now before you open your eyes, take a moment to transition slowly before resuming your usual daily activities. And bring that joy and peacefulness with you.”